Treffpunk für die Internationes Frauen
Der Treffpunkt für Frauen aus aller Welt in Liechtenstein
Wir danken unseren Sponsoren sehr herzlich.
alles Gute für das
neue Jahr
wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen
bei einem
Polnischen Abend
Datum wird sobald wie möglich
bekannt gegeben
The International Women's Café (IFC) is a meeting place for women in the region Liechtenstein - Werdenberg - Vorarlberg. Our goal is to support the swift and successful integration of foreign women moving to our area. The IFC was found in 2006. Since 2015, we have been registered as a nonprofit organization in Liechtenstein. We count about 60 members hailing from 20 nations.
We meet weekly and our range of activities is broad:
- presentations about the culture and history of our homelands
- meetings focused on a variety of topics such as: international dances, cooking workshops, crafts, painting, fashion, health, etc.
- social gatherings: Christmas, Santa Claus visit, Easter, international buffet breakfast, picnic, bowling, karaoke night, etc.
- cultural activities: International Literature Café, visits to exhibitions, etc.
- public presence: participation in intercultural events in the region
- commitment to humanitarian projects.
The events are proposed, planned and executed by members of the IFC. Occasionally we invite external experts to give lectures or workshops. During the events a lively exchange takes place between the participants. Everyone is guaranteed a friendly welcome and many personal contacts and friendships started at the IFC. Members of the IFC value contact with different cultures and appreciate the mutual respect fostered in our association. For many the group has been a great addition to their lives and helped the adjustment process.
Participation in the events of the IFC does not require membership, you are always welcome to join us. Why not stop by? We look forward to meeting you!